Proven Products For The Pulp & Paper Industry
From the tissues and towels we use every day to the packaging materials that hold products and belongings, paper products are true necessities. Pulp & Paper mills utilize a wide range of continuously operational equipment, which must be regularly serviced and lubricated to keep metal surfaces from contacting each other. Compounding these maintenance needs are heavy loads and high speeds, along with vast amounts of ever-present sawdust, moisture and acids. These mills are also highly corrosive environments, due to the chemicals used for pulping. As a result, corrosion repeatedly impacts structures and equipment, even when idle.
Minimizing unplanned downtime is a top priority for Pulp & Paper manufacturers. Studies have shown that unplanned downtime for a single paper machine can cost upwards of $20,000 dollars per minute. And, when an entire mill has an unplanned outage, losses can reach $1MM per day. Pulp & Paper machiner
- Washers
- Grinders
- Fourdriniers
- Calendars
- Splicers
- Rotary Shears
- Stackers
- Motors
- Conveyors
The Right Tools For The Job
Pulp & Paper industry maintenance professionals regularly turn to the following products from Kano, the makers of Kroil and Super Lube®, to lubricate equipment, combat corrosion and keep their factories online:

Kroil Original Penetrant
When it comes to freeing corroded items in tough spaces, nothing rivals powerful, industry-proven Kroil penetrating oil. Kroil quickly loosens rusted nuts and bolts, frees frozen shafts, pulleys, conveyors and more. No space is too tight to reach, thanks to Kroil’s ability to penetrate the smallest opening, thread or crevice. Corrosion meets its match, as Kroil helps remove and prevent rust, cleans and lubricates, and displaces moisture.

Floway contains a powerful grease-cutting solvent that penetrates, dissolves and removes grease, tar, ink, asphalt, oil, dirt, crud, grime, carbon and gunk. It’s excellent for cleaning greasy equipment, motors, machinery, parts, tools and more. It washes off easily and will not attack painted surfaces.

Exrust penetrates and chemically reacts with rust to quickly remove it from all surfaces. It is effective on all ferrous metals without harming the base steel or iron*. After treatment, any type of finish can be applied.
*Do not use Exrust on non-ferrous metals.

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